Monitor Effluent gases emission in your STP plant / Industry / Suspected locations and report to Pollution Control Board online!

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Gases that are Monitored

Effluent in the artificial sense is in general considered to be water pollution or emission of gases that may be because of secondary effluent or treated effluent, such as the outflow from a sewage treatment facility.

Based on the directions under Sec. 18(1) (b) of water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, regarding treatment and utilization of sewage and CPEB letter no. A-19014/43/06-MOA dated 21/04/2015, it is essential to first monitor the gas discharges from the treatment plant.

The product monitors the gas emission from the tanks / sump outlets continuously through round robin method. The product implements a Open / Shut Methodology of capturing the gases from 5 tanks one by one and have in-built dedicated sensors to monitor.

CH4 Gas
Integrated Air Quality Gas Sensors

  1. Methane (CH4) [5000 - 20000 ppm]
  2. Butane Hydrogen (H2) [300 - 5000 ppm]
  3. Carbon Di Oxide (CO2) [0 - 5000 ppm]
  4. Ammonia (NH3) [10 - 300 ppm]
  5. Carbon Monoxide (CO) [20 - 2000 ppm]
  6. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) [0 - 100 ppm]


Real Time Online Monitoring

Online monitoring systems provide continuous measurement of data for long periods of time, at the monitoring site of interest, without skilled staff being required to perform the analysis.

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Contact us for Implementing this solution at your premesis

SPowerZ Solutions Pvt Ltd.,
New No. 13, Old. No. 28,
Janakiram Colony,
Chennai - 600 106



+91 9940658401



+91 44 4319 2660

+91 99406 58401